Provide a platform to nourish grass root innovation and bring to light those who are creating
something new and useful that solves real-world problems, thereby enabling an environment where
people develop the capacity to generate their own livelihood and be self-employed in this era of
start-ups and individual endeavours.
Through sustained efforts we wish to help foster a culture of innovation and contribute towards our
dream of building a better and advanced nation.
“Our vision is to catalyze innovation and entrepreneurship in India at the grassroots level. I've attended the California Maker Faire with my children for many years so I've seen the impact it can have. Maker Faires are filled with people like you and me who are just making things at home and when they get the chance to share their projects and find collaborators, great new products and companies emerge. We hope this will be the first of many events, and that Maker Fest will spread across India to showcase makers, tinkerers, and do-ers of every stripe.” - Asha Jadeja
Yuvalay E-Lab, an initiative of Yuvalay Charitable Trust, aims to provide people with a
platform to convert their ideas into reality. At Yuvalay E-Lab we believe in community-based
knowledge sharing where people with knowledge in different areas learn from each other.
Anyone can come here and work on a DIY project, learn how things work, or create something
entirely new! To facilitate this, the lab has been equipped with various tools and equipment
and organize regular technical workshops. Additionally, the lab also offers community
support. These community members constitute people from all walks of life, including
students, experts, professionals, mentors, and belong to various backgrounds like science,
music, engineering, and arts. Apart from this, workshops, expert talks, and meetups are also
organized at the lab.
Yuvalay Charitable Trust also runs the “Individual Development Centre” with an aim to
transform the youth to be winners in their personal as well as professional lives. It helps
the youth to be equipped with the skills required for developing their overall personality
through the medium of Trainings, Workshops, One on One Counselling, and Industrial Visits.
Vadodara Innovation Council - VIC, is a section 8 registered not-for-profit organisation established in 2011, with an aim to make citizens innovative and innovations friendly.
To fulfil this basic objective, VIC is collaboratively working with organisations like Yuvalay, DDKF, UGF, FGI, VCCI, Schools, Colleges and all Innovation related activities.
VIC has initiated below programs for School-College students & for innovators, start-ups & entrepreneurs.